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Canadian French Vocabularies

There are several options to have Canadian French Vocabulary files in your TouchChat app. Standard Canadian French vocabularies are included in all TouchChat apps. WordPower vocabularies are included as standard vocabularies in the TouchChat with WordPower app or can be purchased in the Upgrade Store in the TouchChat app. 

Standard Canadian French Page Sets

MultiChat 15 French is a direct translation of the MultiChat 15 Student version with some grammar exceptions. There are multiple forms of communication available in this program; sentences, phrases, individual words, recordings for story-telling and visual scenes. Also included are interactive play and reading pages, social pages and a News-2-You starter page for the weekly newspaper's vocabulary. There are symbols on every button with the exclusion of several core words.

Épeler is similar to the English Spelling vocabulary file. It is a QWERTY keyboard page set with four word prediction buttons and a few pre-stored phrases.


4 de base is a French translation of the 4 Basic vocabulary file. It is a vocabulary option with 4 buttons per page for those needing minimal targets.

Communication Journey: Aphasie is a French translation of the English Communication Journey: Aphasia. It is a vocabulary file containing features and vocabulary designed to support people with aphasia. It was developed by Lois Turner (SLP), Anne MacCallum (SLP) and Sarah Gauthier (SLP Assistant) in consultation with a group of speech-language pathologists who work exclusively with people with aphasia and brain injuries. All the participants work at CAYA (Communication Assistance for Youth and Adults) and the GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The framework of the file was derived from the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia from the Aphasia Institute in Toronto, Canada. The pages were created to facilitate participation in daily activities and to promote social links.

Aphasia, a disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain where language is stored, may affect the ability to comprehend language, to express oneself, to read, or to spell and write. “Communication Journey: Aphasia” can easily be adapted for use by people with different types of aphasia and a range of cognitive levels and degrees of severity.

Symbols, photographs, visual scenes, videos or words can be used on the message, topic and script pages. Included are pages that facilitate supported communication techniques, self-advocacy, directing care, and repair of communication breakdowns. Information typically included in communication books; including pain and emotion scales, maps, templates for personal information and life stories, and schedules are also incorporated into the vocabulary file. Specialized features include variable “rate of speech” and “pause between words”.Grid size and vocabulary are easily customized to reflect and support the life experiences of the person with aphasia.

Download the Communication Journey: Aphasia User Guide-Canadian French

VocabPC français is a French translation of the Vocab PC vocabulary file. It was designed by Gail Van Tatenhove, PA, MS, CCC-SLP, for adults and adolescents with developmental disabilities. Vocabulary in VocabPC is arranged as carrier phrases, interactive sentences, activity vocabulary and naming words. VocabPC uses a 12 location page layout.

WordPower™ (bundle with TouchChat or purchase in-app)

The following 3 Canadian French vocabulary files will be included ONLY if the WordPower add-on is purchased.

WordPower60 Français is the newest addition to the French WordPower files. It was designed to be comparable in terms of content and design to the English WordPower60 vocabularies, with bilingual communicators in mind. It provides sophisticated grammar for the French language, ample symbol support for early language learners, as well as cool academic and social language features. Core vocabulary is embedded within the category and activity pages, allowing easy generation of language from the main core page as well as within topic-based pages. Core words remain consistent in terms of placement and access, providing a natural bridge between core and fringe words. Early literacy is enhanced through the use of pages designed around a popular children’s book, as well as eight blank book templates. A low-tech communication board is included within the vocabulary file that can be printed as an additional communication support.

WordPower 120 Francais is the first French WordPower vocabulary for Saltillo, consisting of high frequency core words, spelling and word prediction. Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, WordPower120 francais meets the communication needs of a wide group of individuals in French speaking cultures. The vocabulary includes easy to access basic communicaton for beginning communicators, as well as sophisticated language and grammar for individuals with advanced cognitive and linguistic abilities. With the keyboard on the main page, the communicator moves seamlessly between words and spelling, thus minimizing keystrokes and the need for navigation. A new French database provides access to an abundance of French verb forms. Category based pages include core vocabulary, allowing easy generation of language from the main page as well as within specific topic-based pages. Core words remain consistent in terms of placement, providing a natural bridge between core and fringe words. (AZERTY file also available)

WordPower 120 Francais is the first French WordPower vocabulary for Saltillo, consisting of high frequency core words, spelling and word prediction. Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, WordPower120 francais meets the communication needs of a wide group of individuals in French speaking cultures. The vocabulary includes easy to access basic communicaton for beginning communicators, as well as sophisticated language and grammar for individuals with advanced cognitive and linguistic abilities. With the keyboard on the main page, the communicator moves seamlessly between words and spelling, thus minimizing keystrokes and the need for navigation. A new French database provides access to an abundance of French verb forms. Category based pages include core vocabulary, allowing easy generation of language from the main page as well as within specific topic-based pages. Core words remain consistent in terms of placement, providing a natural bridge between core and fringe words.  (QWERTY file also available)